There are several ways in which you can help LRRSE:
Become a LRRSE Home Checker
We are always on the lookout for people willing to give up a little of their spare time to home check potential new homes and asses Labradors that need to be rehomed. Our team of voluntary helpers are responsible for visiting prospective homes, often accompanied by their own Labrador, and reporting back to their area co-ordinator on the suitability of the home, as well as visiting and assessing Labradors in need of a new home. All helpers are reimbursed for petrol, telephone and postage expenses incurred during their duties for LRRSE. Although unpaid, work for LRRSE is highly rewarding and our dedicated team of volunteers report a great deal of satisfaction from seeing waggy-tailed happy endings, as well as the pleasure of meeting like-minded doggy people! We are currently short of helpers in Essex, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Please contact us if you would like to join us.
Foster a Labrador
Occasionally it is necessary to place a Labrador in a caring foster home for a short period of time, until a suitable permanent home becomes available. Foster carers are often experienced dog-owners who have the time and patience to care for a Labrador, who may well be in need of some extra special TLC in between moving from one home to another. Foster carers are reimbursed for dog food and any veterinary expenses incurred while a LRRSE Labrador is in their care. Please contact us for further details.
Donate your unwanted items
Please send us your old mobile phones or printer cartridges as we can can recycle these for money towards our cause.
We are always in need of:
Collars and Leads
Training/Transporting cages
Dog beds/baskets
Dog Toys and Balls
Please contact us for more details.
Over the coming months we will be announcing fund-raising events and Labrador fun days. Would you be able to provide goods for us to sell to aid our cause? Perhaps you have a venue we could use to hold a sale? If you can't make it to one of our events, why not hold one of your own? Please contact us if you would like to help out in any way.
Make a donation to LRRSE
Every penny that LRRSE receives goes towards rehoming Labradors in happy new homes and providing veterinary care for fostered Labradors until they can be rehomed. To make a one-off donation please click here, or contact us to discuss our Sponser-a-Dog and Legacy schemes.