
This is a place on our site where you can share the memories of your much loved and missed canine friends.
Rainbow Bridge is a place where we will hold them in our arms once again.
If you would like your dog included on here, please email photo & details to sue.lrrse@gmail.com

Just some of the wonderful girls and boys that have been part of my family.
Always in our memories and forever in our hearts.
LuLu Chumley Digby Poppy Sparkley Holly Tim Ben Mel Roger Willow Sam Jaz Paddy Bruno Lucy Rosie Amber Dave Teddy Tinky Carrie Boyzee Lilly
Sue Birmingham
It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my
heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with
a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my
heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they
Buddy 2011 - 2024
Mum will never forget the day she first met you Bud, when you bounded across the grass at the kennels and almost knocked her over! You were such a big lad, full of energy and fun and so handsome. You stole our hearts right away.
You loved the woods in Hampshire and the sea in West Sussex and we had such happy times together. You taught us so much about life and love in a way that only a very special dog could. We will miss you.
We were very lucky to have had you in our lives for 10 years. Thank you.
Until we meet again sweet boy. love Mum and Dad xx
We lost our gorgeous Milo three weeks ago at nearly 13 years old. He was such a good and loving dog who made us laugh every day.
He was full of character and enjoyed life until the end. He will always be loved and terribly missed.
Thank you LRRSE for your hard work and for placing Milo in our home all those years ago!
Ruth, Stephen and our three girls xx

RIP - Skip Davis 27.03.2008 - 21.06.2023.
What a great life. You came to us as a rescue dog unsure, nervous and looking a bit 'scrappy' (that was your previous name), and we didn't realise then what a huge impact you would have in our lives. We didn't realise that 'rescue' meant it would be you who would be rescuing us from the stress and troubles of the world. You did that every day with your gentle kindness, energy for life and always being there with a wagging tail to greet us, first one I saw in the morning, last one at night. So many adventures and good times to recall, but you made our lives better every day. We have grown older with you, I turned grey with you, you shared our life ... you were our life. So brave, dignified and patient at the end, surrounded by your family, I am so grateful for that last day of stokes, and wet whiskery kisses, you were fed some fine fillet steak by those you loved, and then 15 minutes later were gone, I looked into your eyes and told you, you were a 'good boy' ... you were the best boy, can't believe you are gone. The next day I took your collar on a final walk to your favourite place, with happy memories every step of the way. They say that dogs pass over the rainbow bridge to go to run free in the grass and an everlasting 'walkie' , well that afternoon a rainbow appeared above our house, and I hope you made it to a happy place, young, fit wagging your tail and with us in your heart ... always with the sound of my voice in your ears and the last thing I said to you ... "skip, you GOOD boy"
Roger, Tracey, Amy and Chloe.
Our Chester was one of a kind, we had a wonderful nine years with him, and a better friend we couldn't have asked for, sleep well 'til we meet again my lovely boy.
With love Mummy, Daddy, Thomas, James, and Lumi x
When our boy sonny passed, whom we got from you. You called and asked me to have a look at Jess.
You were concerned that she would not last the weekend in the kennels.
She was petrified, she hid , and the poor girl had obviously been through something.
Love brought out this beautiful personality, sassy and loving and I just wanted to say, sadly we lost her yesterday, a big thank you for bringing this beautiful girl into our lives.

I remember when Kim and I arrived at Chessington on the 12th September 2013 just to look at a prospective dog for us. We arrived at the enclosure and this beautiful brown lady galloped the full length of the pound to greet us with a tail that resembled a helicopter rotor! Kim instantly said I hope it is this one we are to look at. It took a nanosecond to decide that we would take her home with us
The car journey home was interesting as she travelled very well but was obviously very nervous and we had to open all the car windows!
She settled in very quickly at home and within a few days it was like she had always been there.
She loved her daily walks by the beach or over the South Downs or through the many woods and country trails that we are so lucky to have nearby.
She loved to snuggle up and cuddle us and was very diplomatic in ensuring we both got equal cuddle times.
She was wonderful with our granddaughter from the very first day that she was born and they became the very best of friends in the two and a half years our granddaughter has known Coco. Our grandson too built a great relationship with her.
In the last year or so she had some health issues and finally her back legs started to give up on her and we had to take that dreadful decision to let her go. Thankfully due to some excellent pain management from our vet she never suffered with any pain. However, her quality of life was rapidly deteriorating.
We shall miss our gorgeous girl when we go out walking but deep in our hearts we will know that she will be there right by her sides enjoying every step.
I would like to think that we gave Coco a good six and a half years but she repaid us ten times over.
Run free our lovely girl.
Our beautiful boy Harris will always have a special place in our hearts and we miss him terribly.
Sue and familyx
In September 2008 LRRSE changed our lives by introducing us to Amber. 13 years of devotion and unrequited love. During that time we have had so much fun with a beautiful beautiful beautiful girl. Today the dark clouds arrived and we had to say our goodbyes. Today is a day of raw pain. Today is the day our hearts have been ripped out. With time, the pain will fade, but never, ever will the memories.
Until we meet again Amber, you will be cared for by your playmates that have already crossed over the rainbow bridge
We would feel it an honour if you would add Amber to your Rainbow Bridge memorial.
Steve, Karen & James Rees
My Dearest Fudge
This has taken me several months to write and I still miss you every single day. You were probably THE most stubborn dog that I have EVER met, but you were so funny and lovable with it, that you could get away with almost anything! You came into my life "a tad" overweight, but we managed to slim you down to a respectable 29kg (as I always said, you were never going to be a supermodel)
Do you remember HC? ("Hated Collie", real name Alfie) You terrorised that poor dog for absolutely no apparent reason whatsoever, in your own inimitable fashion! You certainly kept everyone on their toes, and luckily his owner was extremely understanding... A memory popped up today, from four years ago on Facebook, where I'm asking you if you wanted to go to the common? You proceeded to spin on the spot at high speed, and then bounce around the kitchen!
You'll probably be pleased to know that I adopted another rescue a few weeks ago. A little Romanian street dog, who was found abandoned in a car park. She weighs less than 6kg, so I've named her Dinky Dog. She's a young whipper snapper but really sweet and affectionate, with a large helping of mischievousness thrown in for good measure. One of your human friends commented that you would have approved!
We had six fantastic years together, I just wish it could have lasted a few more. You have left a massive, labrador sized hole in my heart that will never be filled.
Rest In Peace My Flump 20/08/2008 - 18/03/2020
Until we meet again xxx
Much loved and dearly missed.
Jane and family
11 years ago today, we collected our beautiful Robbie from you. How blessed we were to have such a wonderful companion in our lives. He added so much to our family and home. We miss him dearly.
2 years ago Robbie lost his eyesight to PRA (progessive retina atrophy). With a little training he coped so well. We wore bells and he followed us independently on his daily walks on the downs. He was amazing.He remained a puppy until the day he died on 01st September 2020.
Thank you for rescuing our best friend and all the other wonderful dogs. We still feel lost without him but are grateful for the amazing memories we have.
Karen &Tony
One dark December night you came
Leila was your given name
You came into our comfy home
Into the garden you did roam
All you wanted was to please
You’d put your head upon our knees
To get a fuss behind your ears
You quickly overcame your fears
7 years you made us happy
To follow that there comes unhappy
You gave us many hours of pleasure
And lots of memories we will treasure
You loved the river and the sea
And that is where your going to be.
What a happy dog you seemed
You looked at us and almost beamed.
Your tail was always wagging
Until the day your life did end.

Our beautiful Lottie - A dog with so much personality and she made such a big impact on our lives. She has left such a big hole now she has gone. We all miss her terribly, the pack is not the same without her but we are so glad to have known her, all thanks to LRRSE xxxx
We all loved her so very much and miss her terribly.
Julie , Pete Elliot Alice Gabriel Lacey and Granny
Blanca was an adorable pet and absolutely unique. She was the most relaxed and chilled out pet you could ever wish for. Whilst she was being trained she would lie prostrate on the floor and go to sleep waiting for her turn. She rarely barked, never growled and loved children, other dogs and cats. Always at our side or shepherding us together to sit with her in the evenings. Very loving in her own way and very independent. A small wag of the tail was always appreciated but anything more would have been out of character. A big dog that has left a big gap in our lives.
Bailey bounded into our lives 9 years ago and thereafter made a lasting impression with everyone who met him.
He was the most kind, tolerant and gentle dog we could have wished for. Our grandchildren have grown with him; he's been "best friend" to them all and he's hardly left our side since he arrived with us. He was the most loyal to my husband and was always 'one step behind' - his remarkable sixth sense would take him to the front door to wait for his arrival 15 mins before he came home from work. He was our companion on holidays, day trips and simply by our side every day. We miss him dreadfully but feel blessed to have been so lucky that he was chosen for us. Kathy
We rescued each other in 2005. It took 8 years to work through his many issues, it was so challenging and it was so worth it.
He died peacefully at home, in the garden, surrounded by his pack in 2020 - he had a very, very happy life with us.
In Dec 2005 I got a dog from Ireland from your organisation. That first year he was wild and I wondered what I had let myself in for. Walks were challenging, being in the house was challenging and I couldn’t leave anything remotely edible where he could get to it. It took a lot of time and patience but he eventually settled into the life of a pampered self centred sofa slug, who would come to you when he wanted fuss but wouldn’t begrudge you the odd unasked for cuddle. Who would look you in the eye as he stuck his tongue in your cup of tea on the table next to you. He came to work with me nearly every day up until this last year, we had holidays together and he helped me get through many difficult times.
I had to let him go this morning, the years of hydrotherapy and physiotherapy got us this far with his arthritis but we found a mass and he wasn’t going to get better.
I just wanted to say thank you. Without your organisation I wouldn’t have had my best friend for 15 ish years. Thank you for rescuing him all those years ago. He was my world.
My beautiful boy Odin run free
We lost our beautiful Ozzie on 30th April and he is much missed. Ozzie we know you are enjoying Doggie Heaven and meeting all your other doggy friends and little brother Barnie enjoying playing and running together.
God bless Ozzie
Anne and Keith
Harley 2007-2020
My beautiful beloved best friend Harley had to leave me 3 weeks ago. I miss her more than words can say. She has taken a piece of me with her.
Just so glad I got to spend 13 years with her. I wear a locket engraved with her name and holding a tiny piece of her fur.
Love you Harley to the moon and back always. Mum (Michele) 
My Daughter, I and Zulu are missing our amazing great loving family member and thank you bringing her to us so many years ago.
She was not only was a great family member she also was leader and boss in her afternoon walking group, teaching and directing other fellow dogs in her walking group into place. She will be greatly missed.
Max 2004 - 2020
Our beautiful boy Max has gone to Rainbow Bridge aged 15 1/2. He came to us aged 2 and was such a lovable character, he really was a gentle giant. We were devoted to him and he to us.
We miss you so much Max but will never ever forget you.
You are the treasure at the end of the Rainbow.
Susan and Malcolm

Our family are devastated at losing our wonderful girl Darcy. We have so many precious memories of our adventures with her.
Emma & Marin
Heather came bounding into our lives from Labrador Rescue as a 10 month old' puppy' and we said goodbye to her at just over 14 years old.
She lived life to the full, everyone loved her, our great big loveable puppy, always there with a noisy waggy tail, looking for what she could hoover up next, eyes that would melt your heart, always affectionate and sociable.
Brave to the end. She was a huge presence in our family and we miss her dearly.
Rest in peace beautiful 'Puppy', thank you for being in our lives and being a wonderful dog
SALLY October 2006 - May 2019
Our wonderful brave Sally, she came to us from Ireland a 2 year old very traumatised girl. You gave us almost 13 years of unfailing love and trust and we are heartbroken at losing you. No matter how many times we have to say goodbye to much loved pets it never gets any easier. We gave you all the love we had during your time with us and in return you gave us so many happy memories. Thank you darling Sally we will always love and miss you but know one day we will meet again at Rainbow Bridge and be able to run free watching you chasing those rabbits. Rest peacefully darling girl, God Bless you.
We had Buster for 11 lovely months. He was a wonderful boy with the friendliest and kindest temperament, we and everyone loved him. We know that we gave him
a wonderful life and he repaid us with interest.
Hugh & Val

In October 2010 we adopted two gorgeous Labrador girls who we called Roxy and Honey. They were five years old and brought instant joy into our family. They were both different characters but were constant companions for each other. Sadly in January 2017 we had to say goodbye to Honey following a period of illness and after this Roxy had to cope on her own without her soul mate.
Roxy continued to be our best friend, always there with a cuddle or lick when we were feeling down. Although it was obvious that she missed Honey she always seemed to enjoy her walks and time spent with the family but there were moments when we could see sadness in her eyes.
Unfortunately she developed a lipoma on her hip which was untreatable for a lady of her advancing years. This grew progressively until it caused her a lot of discomfort and we had to gradually reduce her walks. Throughout it all she continued to be the loyal, brave girl she always was.
Sadly, we had to make the decision faced by numerous dog owners; it was time to consider her quality of life. We said goodbye to Roxy, here at home, on Monday 25th March 2019, a month after her 14th birthday. We all miss her terribly and she has left a giant void in our lives. The only consolation we have is that Honey was waiting at Rainbow Bridge for her so that they can continue their lives together.
Mary, Lasho and Amy xx
It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this. My lovely Tilly passed away suddenly on Thursday 28th March 2019. We had been out for our early morning walk where she had met some of her friends and had a play. Tilly then had her breakfast and lay down in her favourite spot by the kitchen door so she could watch what I was doing. When I sat down with my breakfast Tilly did not come and sit beside me as she would normally do. When I turned around she had passed away. No pain or upset for Tilly. Just a walk, breakfast and then to sleep. So peaceful and the way I would want her to pass away.
I adopted Tilly from IRR in May 2015 when she was 5 years old. I was her third owner and to say Tilly was traumatised is an understatement. She pulled like a train, did not like other dogs much and did not like to be stroked or cuddled. It took me over a year to get her to settle and learn that she was staying with me. We went to 3 training sessions a week so Tilly could get used to being around other dogs and for her to learn basic instructions. That said, Tilly never caused any damage, counter surfed or messed in the house.
I have to say that I have never had a dog that stank as much as Tilly did. She would roll in fox pooh with a smile on her face. If it was muddy, smelly or dirty then Tilly was there. I had my own account with the local groomers. Tilly could be stubborn and selectively deaf when it suited her, yet she was never far from my side.
We had just spent 5 days in the Peak District with her best friend Jake. We had had a lovely time and she had walked the hills, swam in the river and played ball. We were due to go to Scotland in April but I will now be going on my own, although I will still be able to share Jake.
Tilly was a lovely dog and once she had settled down never caused any problems what so ever. Over time Tillys warm, loving personality finally came through. I hope that she enjoyed her time with me. I tried to gave her the best possible life I could. I will miss her tremendously but in a few weeks I hope to be able to adopt another dog. I will never forget Tilly and although we only had 4 years together she will always be with me.
Ten years ago we became a team: Lucy was mine and I was Lucys. Together we took care of our family; I would cover the day shift and Lucy took care of the night patrol. She was my shadow around the house and cast a shadow beside mine when we were out and about. Her shadow is now on my heart. A much loved and adored member of the family. So thankful she left peacefully as we sat side by side sharing our last mutual adoration session. Full of energy, love and forgiveness all the way to the end of her 14? years of life.
I thought I'd write to let you know that our beloved black lab, Bodie,
adopted from LRSSE over seven years ago aged 7 and a half, sadly had to
be put to sleep on Friday 19th January. He had reached the grand old age of 14.5, and
was an absolute and utter sweetie who has given us seven years of
unstinting love, companionship and joy. Everyone and every dog who met
Bodie loved him: from the very day we adopted him, he was gentle,
affectionate, sweet-natured and amiable. He helped children scared of
dogs to realise they had nothing to fear, he loved his holidays with us
in Cornwall, he worked his way into the hearts of all who met him, and
we miss him hugely. We have applied to adopt another labrador from you
(or two!) but Bodie will always have a very special place in our hearts.
Thank you for bringing Bodie into our lives. He was a gem.
About 10 years ago we adopted Jake, a black lab from Ireland. Sadly he got thyroid cancer and this morning
we had to say good bye to him. He's at peace now he will be so dearly missed. I just wanted to thank you and everyone at lab rescue without all your hard work and dedication i would not have had the chance to have experienced such an amazing love that he brought to us all
I will be forever grateful to you all.
Much love
We fostered Misty at the age of 8 years and 10 months - she had been breeding all her life and was still lactating when she arrived. She settled in very quickly and became part of the family. She was delightful, very loving and happy to relax and enjoy her retirement. After only 1 year and 3 months she became ill and died. She has left a massive hole in our home but also many happy memories.
Harvey was perfect in so many ways with no faults, quite the most intelligent dog we have known and totally devoted to us as we were to him - We can only now treasure the wonderful memories that we have of him living with us as one of our family. Thank you again for bringing us all together.
John & Barbara
Oh Honey! What a lovely doggie you were. We can not believe that you made it all the way to 13 and a half! We loved every day of it that we had with you. We hope you are in doggie heaven now with your sister, Rosie, doing lots of eating and sleeping, as usual! We all miss you so much. Seamus is wondering where his friend has gone. We love you Bun Bun. Thank you for being the best doggie ever!
Love The Edmondson Family.
Rebel - The bravest of the brave
Rebel we were absolutely delighted when you joined us just over two years ago. We loved you from the moment we first met you when you came running to greet us. It seemed we were always meant to be together and you went on to settle really well with us over the following weeks and months. You quickly became a big part of the family and soon it seemed like you had always been with us.
Unfortunately during this happy time we received a devastating diagnosis that you were suffering from a serious incurable illness. We knew our time together would not be anything like as long as we would all have wished it to be. We all vowed to make the most of whatever time we had and we most certainly did just that. You were often ill and we were regular visitors at the vets. You were such a good boy taking all your medicines and coping with your illness with amazing courage and bravery whilst you continued to enjoy every minute of every day. You loved your walks, playing with your toys, playing fetch, your holidays, trips to the beach and everything else that we did. You even wanted to help with the diy.
Everyone who met you fell in love with you and we could not have been more proud of you.
Sadly your illness began to overwhelm you in recent months as we knew it would. We could see you were going downhill but you bravely and courageously kept going until it was only fair to release you from your pain and suffering.
We are truly heartbroken but it helps to know you are no longer suffering and all the happy memories we made and the photographs we took and the videos we made will give us some comfort going forward.
It was a pleasure to have you in our lives and a privilege to care for you. You wagged your tail from the day you arrived until the end. Thank you Rebel for everything you did for us and for being such a loyal loving friend.
Sleep tight little man and have fun at the Rainbow Bridge with Bella and all the other doggies.
We will always miss you and remember you with love. You were a star and the bravest of the brave.
Love, big hugs and kisses from
Pam & Chris
Our beautiful Fergus who we adopted from you 9 years ago passed over the rainbow bridge yesterday, he was initialy an emergency foster case as his owners said he would be put to sleep as he was vicious, 9 years on and he didn't have a nasty bone in his body.
Thank you for letting us have him,
Carol Holmes and family
We lost him a month ago. He was a retired guide dog who suffered from epilepsy. We had him for 2and1/2years. He battled the fits and the medication like a trooper, ran like the wind for his ball and cooled off in the sea on the Cornish beach at Rock and Daymer Bay. He was my soulmate, constant companion and I miss him like you would not believe. He has a place at Rainbow Bridge with so many other beautiful dogs. One day we will meet again Benjy.
Love Stuart, Susan, Chris, Matt and Rachael. xx
Rio came into our lives over 10 years ago, he has made us laugh and cry at times and always provided a smile on demand. He was a loyal and loving boy who felt like he had always been part of our family. His lovely nature always cured any bad day. He was loved by us, our girls and grandchildren.
He will always be in our hearts and always remembered.
Now sleep well our lovely boy.
Love John , Sally and family xx
We said a heartbreaking goodbye to Max on Wednesday. He was over 14 (we think), we were told when we had him from you that he was 16months. He was off the wall lively when we had him, but we channelled his excess energy into water sports and he became a dash-n-splash champ. A wonderful boy and we had many happy years together. Will all miss him, particularly our black lab, Jake.
Chris and family
Tia was an Irish girl. She was a joy to train and people used to actually stop and watch as I put her through her paces up the park. She/we were frequently complemented on her behaviour. On a personal level she was with our family at some of the worst times in our life, nuzzling our tears and offering her head under any empty hands...she made us laugh, frequently, she never really 'got' the screen door and would run through it every time the door bell rang... she would bring us presents when we came home to her and had different excited 'squeaks and squeals' to greet her favourite guests. We shared adventures, cosy new forest pubs and caravan holidays. Our home is so empty, her thumping tail was a rhythm to our lives.
RIP until we meet again my special Tia Tia x
She was such a gentle, well behaved and sweet girl and was a big part of our family for 15 months. We did everything we could to make her happy in her last year.We are all going to miss her so much.
Anita and family
Buster, Murphy & Pickle 
Buster aged 15, Murphy aged 11 & Pickle aged 12
Thank you for all the wonderful memories Buster, Murphy and Pickle, you gave me so many and brought me so much pleasure. It has been a joy having you in my life and I will treasure you all forever.
Mandy xx
We recently said a sad farewell to our lovely Jade who was nearly five years old. We only had her for four years but she brought so much love and joy to all the family. She loved her walks and was a friend to everyone and every dog she met. Perhaps this year we may have more runner beans, carrots and tomatoes to eat as there will be no Jade raiding the vegetable plot!
Thank you Labrador Rescue for letting us adopt our wonderful four legged friend who will always have a place in our hearts.
Roger, Liz and family
Holly 29/1/07 - 1/11/17
The day she came into our lives I shall never
This beautiful girl, locked in a cage on a van
form Ireland, was sad and frightened.
Initially at home she was shy, but over time
blossomed into the most loving, kind hearted,
loyal friend without a bad bone in her body.
She took over our home and stole our hearts -
we fell in love with her.
She was adored by everyone she met. All her
family, and even her vets, were besotted. She
was the perfect angel.
She had the most beautiful expression, the
most lovely smile and the most calming of
personalities. She did love a good chase in
the park though - she was a puppy at heart.
Her illness lay undetected until it was too
late to help her. She stayed with us as long
as she could but sadly had to leave us.
Goodbye for now our beautiful darling Holly.
You will always live on in our memories and
our hearts. There will never be another as
sweet and lovely as you.
Teresa, Howard, Gabriella and Mr D
Deano came into our lives eight and a half years ago with the help of the LRRSE. From the moment we met him we fell totally in love. A very special boy with a huge heart that he shared with everyone he met. He loved his walks on the beach and chasing balls, although he would not always bring them back, he was a best friend to everyone. He always knew if someone was sad or ill and would be the first one there to comfort them.
Unfortunately, Deano became ill very quickly with diabetes, pancreatitis and then pneumonia and we had to make the devastating decision to have him put to sleep as we could not see him suffer. Aged 10 he was really too young and we certainly were not ready for him to leave. He will always be in our hearts.
Deano Dinosaurus we love you so very much and cannot wait until we see you again.
Love always Mummy (Becci), Daddy (Dave), Alex and Callum xxx
31.5.2003 - 13.5.2017 Nearly 14 years to the day we adopted her
" I remember when Keah first arrived as if it was yesterday. She was nervous and unsure at first, but with the help of her terrier buddy Jasper and us humans, she soon settled in. At first she wouldn't go in the garden unless we put a lead on, this was what she was used too, and didn't realise she could run freely outside, with patience and kindness though she became braver. I remember taking her to Hatfield Forest early one morning and letting her off the lead for the first time, she looked at me as if to say, what do I do now? I said run and play with Jasper, she ran and barked and rolled, and I could see the joy on her face. I will never forget that day. Now 14 years later we have said good bye and feel so lucky to have had Keah in our lives. Keah was my son Adam's dog and the picture is of them about a year ago and you can see the affection in Keah's face. She is now beside her buddy Jasper, who we lost two years ago and when we are ready, we will scatter their ashes on their favourite walk.
Love Adam, Matthew, Sharon and Vince
Sam came into our lives in 2014, he was much more than our pet, he was my best friend.
The house feels so strange without you, but i understand you fought as long as you could. I'm just so happy for all the memories you gave us. I guess now we can fix the garden you kept digging up :)
Take it easy Sam, always missed, always remembered.
Love you mate x
Our beloved boy Oscar. A very brave and special boy.
Dearly loved and missed by us all
Joanne, Justin, Brittany & his very best friend Dora xxx
She was an absolutely wonderful dog and a great character. Determined, loving, and a great friend to all, both human and canine. She was particularly loving and protective of our grandchildren. None of us will ever forget her.
Thank you for introducing her to us so many years ago.
Gordon, Gill and Chris Painter
People often say 'best dog' in the world and she was 'our best' and such a big part of our lives.
She was a brilliant dog and of course we will miss her but that's the price of love and she was utterly worth it, we were lucky to have her and hope she felt the same.
We wouldn't have had these years without Labrador Rescue so our luck really began with you so Thank you.
Grace & family
24.12.2004 - 14.6.2017
Our handsome fox red boy barged into our lives courtesy of LRRSE in Oct 2007. Joining up in mischief with our black lab girl Kala who sadly passed to the bridge Feb 2016.
His hip/elbow dysplasia finally became too much for him to bare and he went to sleep quietly in our arms today. We are devastated and broken hearted to have now lost them both.
He was gentle, friendly & kind but stayed aloof and noble. His courage throughout his pain was remarkable to the end. But we knew it was time to let him have some peace finally.
Forever in our hearts.
Thank you LRRSE for sending him our way, a great if stubborn friend.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to have the absolute legend that was Bob as a member of our family. He was the coolest dude but he ruled with a rod of iron! The Bob size hole that has been left has left us heartbroken. Sleep tight little big man.
With all our love Paula, Adam and Sunny xxx
Ben, the house feels so empty without you and we still expect you to come running downstairs when we come in.
Such a funny lad, with your idiosyncrasies, the seizures, anxiety of digital noises and dodgy stomach, and yet, everyone you met loved you, handsome boy.
From the moment we met, we were smitten. Morning treat and cuddle on the bed with mum, you were so patient with the baby when he was born, never ever did we worry, and you knew mum was pregnant before we did!
Long walks with dad, beaches, coasts, fells, hills and woods.
Our lives seem poorer without you around but richer for having had 10 wonderful years with you.
Run free now, Mr Chops.
We had 3 years with this characterful and stubborn at times always hungry chocolate lab. We were very lucky to get such an even tempered happy dog despite all his dreadful and painful ailments.
At peace now. We will miss you Prince.
Jenny and Paul
We were blessed to have Harvey come into our life for the last 12 years. He lived his life like an excited Puppy to the end. We all miss our beautiful boy who had so much love to give and was spoilt rotten by especially when it came to who had the most room on the sofa.
Ellie, our 16 year old Labrador passed away recently. We very much appreciated being able to adopt Ellie and enjoyed the many happy times spent together.
Our gorgeous boy Tank has given us so many happy memories.
We love and miss him dearly
Ian, Sue & Jessie
Thank you Sue for letting us have the wonderful gift of Archie.
We had him from 5 years old and had to say goodbye this January when he was just over 14 years.
He was the most wonderful dog. Patient, loyal , placid and a friend to all other dogs. We knick named him 'Mr. No Trouble' as he really was never any trouble! He is missed by many people who all recognised what a lovely dog he was and leaves a big hole in our hearts! This is a photo of him on one of his holidays which he loved.
Stan and Heather
Pepper 21.2.2007-21.1.2017
Pepper came into my life at 4 months old from LRRSE. She was full of life and my constant shadow. She loved her buddy Dougal and her ball!
I nearly lost her 17 months ago but she fought back against all the odds from seizures and a stroke. She lost her sight and couldn't walk but miraculously she regained her sight and was soon back playing with her ball and loving her walks.
She didn't quite make her 10th birthday and has left a very big hole in my life. You went into Renal failure and died peacefully in my arms. I miss you sweetheart. I have many happy memories of you, even though you often tripped me up!
Sleep well.

Honey came into our lives, along with her companion, Roxy, in October 2010 and together they changed our lives.
Having owned Labradors for 40 years these two darlings once again completed the family. In October 2014 Honey developed pancreatitis and became a very poorly girl. Eventually she was diagnosed with diabetes, a condition we knew we would have to manage for the rest of her life. She was such a brave girl and beat the pancreatitis. For two years she coped well with the injections and restricted diet but six month ago she developed cataracts and eventually became blind. From then on she became quite depressed.
Just before New Year 2017 Honey became very ill and was hospitalised for 36 hours and then returned home. Unfortunately, the pancreatitis had returned and this time she wasn�t strong enough to defeat it. Sadly we had to say goodbye to her on 6th January 2017.
Honey was not just a dog; she was a member of the family, someone to cuddle when you felt stressed or down and our best friend. She never complained no matter how poorly she was feeling and she has left a huge gap in our family. More than that she was a constant companion to our other Labrador, Roxy. We went to work, went out occasionally and went to bed but Honey and Roxy were together for 11� years � 24/7 � apart from when Honey was in hospital. The gap in her life is much bigger.
We know that Honey is at Rainbow Bridge free from pain and suffering and we miss her more than we can say.
Till we all meet again Honey! We love you.
Lasho, Mary, Amy and Roxy

Amber - 17th July 2002 to 22nd July 2016
Amber bounced into our lives as a lively 2 year old in early March 2005. We all fell in love with her immediately. I am so grateful that we were chosen to have her as part of our family. Although we are heartbroken right now, (we did everything together!), we are left with the most wonderful memories of our time together and know we were lucky to have her for so long, leaving us 5 days after her 14th birthday. She grew up with our two children who were only 7 and 9 when she arrived. All the wonderful holidays, days out, school runs, party's, Christmas', too many things to mention... won't be the same without our girl.
Till we meet again Amber, see you at Rainbow Bridge. Xx
We are so grateful to Labrador Rescue for allowing us to be Ambers family.
Best wishes,
Christine, Simon, Cathryn and Tom Ward

Thanks to the Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England, we were able to welcome our beautiful lab x collie Angel into our family about 12years ago. After a very happy and loved life with us we unfortunately had to say goodbye to our princess this afternoon. She went peacefully at home with her family holding her and telling her how much she was loved.
I want to thank you and your team for making the last 12years of my life complete. Angel has been a huge inspiration in my life and we have many happy memories to cherish. Wishing everyone in the charity and all the dogs you help the very best of luck.
Kind Regards
Sarah Harman

He was always a gentle, obedient and loving friend.
Our Harvey Boy. A one-off.
"Good lad." "Good boy." "Good man!"
John, Elaine and Toni

2/11/05 - 25/9/16
We had to say goodbye to our beautiful retriever Ollie who was 13 years and 10 months. He came into our lives when he was needed most and he was the most beautiful dog with such a kind, loving nature, people use to smile when they saw him, he had such a mischievous nature and lived for his food! We would come home from work and he would be getting off our bed after he had been sleeping there for hours. You are out of pain now.
Rest in Peace Ollie , we will always miss you. Love you always Anne and Steve xx

We have sadly said a heartbreaking goodbye to our gorgeous girl Poppy.
You were beautiful inside and out and enriched our lives like no other. You had us wrapped round your little paw paw but we wouldn�t have wanted it any other way. You were truly the best and we will see you again at Rainbow Bridge. God bless you miss P, big hugs and kisses, love you always Nancy and Charlie xxxxx

Bob was 11 years old. We rescued him from Sierra Leone, West Africa when my husband was serving there in 2008 and brought him back with our 10 year old Dalmatian Mr Jake. Bob was an independent man's dog, very intelligent and great fun. He adapted well into rural Wiltshire life and everyone involved in his life loved him very much, including dog walkers, groomer etc. He was a great friend and will be desperately missed.
Heidi & Simon Moss

Cookie was the sweetest, most gentle dog you could ever meet. From the moment she joined our family she bought us nothing but happiness. She was inquisitive, clever and funny and everyone who met her fell in love with her. She was never without her precious ball and her tail was constantly wagging. The house is so empty without our beloved girl and we miss her every day, but her time was up and it was only fair to let her go.
Sleep tight precious girl.
The Bass Family x

9/9/2002 - 20/01/2016 "The best of the best."
Thank you Bella for all the fun, help, love, happiness and companionship that you gave us during the two years you spent with us. What a character you were. Like us, all your human and doggy friends are missing you terribly because you were such a good and gorgeous girl.
It was a pleasure and privilege to have you in our lives. Our only regret is that we didn't have more time with you. We are heartbroken and devastated at your loss and you will always be remembered. You were the best of the best.
Enjoy yourself at the Rainbow Bridge with all your new friends. We know you will be having a great time because you loved other dogs so much. We will catch up with you there one day.
All our love always.
Pam and Chris
Sadly died in my arms suddenly on 12/02/16 just before her 2nd birthday (genetic kidney failure). She came into my life when she was 8 weeks old when I was so broken, her love so pure and her gentle sweetness touched everyone she met.
She was my world, best friend, loyal & only companion - my guardian angel, without her beside me my world has shattered " mummy misses you so much Molly, don't worry my precious baby girl, wait for me at rainbow bridge, mummy's coming"

Leo 2009 - 2016
Leo brought joy and sunshine and touched all our lives
Leo was warm, funny and playful and part of our family
Our hearts are now broken but Leo is no longer in pain
It is our loss and Heavens gain
Until we see you again
Farewell our trusted friend
The Fazekas family

Kala 29.5.2006 - 3.2.2016
Arriving as a funny little 12 week old fun loving pupster, we have enjoyed watching you grow into a laid back mature, sensible lady.
Run pain free at the bridge little one.
You will always be here in our thoughts every day.
Your older brother Rufous says cheerio for now little sis.
We shall all miss you so very much.
R.I.P til we meet again Kala. X

Roly, much loved and missed.
A fabulous member of our family for a wonderful 15 years.
The Hughes family

Becky, aged 1, arrived on a snowy day in 2003. The first thing she did was trash the snow in the garden.
She was a big part of our family for almost 13 years.
She loved playing on the beach with a ball splashing in the sea. She will now be running in the water by the Rainbow Bridge with new friends. On Christmas day she would be there helping everyone to unwrap her presents before doing her own.
She was loved by family and friends and will be greatly missed by everyone.
Alison, Bob, Natalie and Anthony

He may no longer be in our life, but he is always in our hearts.
King Familyxx

RIP to our wonderfull Irish boy that came to us through LRRSE at 11 months old.
Everybody loved him. The biggest softy and so laid back boy I knew.
He loved all his walks, daytrips and holidays at the seaside. Loved his toys to be thrown in the sea and he would leap for them, and then lay back for the rest of the day and sunbathe... Oh what glorious days!
He loved our girls and grandchildren's cuddles.
We all love and miss you Buddy xx
14 .8 2004. To 15. 01. 2015
The Blakeman family

Trooper was the friendliest most loving dog I have ever known. Although he was only with us for six and half years he touched everyone who knew him and never had a cross word with any creature he met.
Two summers ago his life was altered badly by a spinal embolism which left him with only semi-working back legs. Even this though did not diminish his capacity to love and live.
Sadly his candle was too bright to burn too long and he lost his battle with a cancerous growth in his front leg on 02/07/15. He was our Teddy Bear who wanted nothing more than to love and be cuddled, and was part of every single thing we did and we will miss him forever.
RIP Trooper 18/10/08-02/07/15
Paul Browne

R.I.P. Charlie
You became part of the family nearly 11 years ago as a long legged rescue Lab....with attitude!
You matured into a true gent and have left behind a few broken hearts today.
Run free at Rainbow Bridge big fella, never to be forgotten.
Sonya, Neil, Becca & James Bennett xxxx

Patrick was six when we got him, but he thought he was younger!!! A laid back chilled out forgoes boy. No one wanted him because he was so strong, but he walked straight to heal for me. I loved him on sight and so did my children and everyone who met him.
He was never a fetch a ball kind of dog, but he just loved being with us. We went camping but he did make a sizeable whole in our tent when he thought he saw food so bypassed the door and just went straight through the tent!!! He loved food and would try anything to get it. He found a way to climb onto the counter when he smelt cakes. When caught he never grumbled and let you remove everything from his mouth. He loved his twice daily walks, wasn't so keen on swimming but loved a good paddle. My children's sea scout troop, rowing team and football team loved him as he was always there to support them.
Many say how lucky he was to have us but really we were lucky to have him. He gave us five years, amazing memories and broken hearts when an aggressive tumour took him from us on 17.6.2015 . Gone but never forgotten and always in our hearts. The Cook family

Beautiful Benson 
On the 13th May 2015 we said a heartbreaking and tearful goodbye to our beautiful brown eyed boy Benson. With a final lick of my hand, those big brown loving eyes closed for the last time.
From the day you bounced into our lives as a little mischievous puppy you enriched every day, always gentle, fun, loving, adventurous and hungry! We soon learnt not to leave any door open or any food out! You caused chaos where there was once calm and we loved you for it.
Benny boy, you were the best dog anyone could have wished for - Thank you for your unconditional love and for the love you've left behind.
Sleep well beautiful boy, we will always love you and you will never be forgotten.
Michael, Jane & Katie Xxxx

Our beautiful boy Monty sadly passed away on the 6th Nov 2014 aged 13. We rescued Monty ten years ago, we were blessed with the most gentle loving boy, who loved his ball, never without a toy in his mouth and huge wagging tail.
We all miss you so very much, sleep well boy, you will be forever in our hearts.
Love Kelly, Brian, Abbie and Courtney your loving forever family.

Beautiful, cuddly boy Simba pts 8.11.14 due to advanced cancer.
This sweet boy loved human company and was loved by our staff for the last days of his life.
Went to sleep in my arms.
Run free boy

We were lucky enough to have Oscar in our lives for about 8 years. His absence leaves a big hole in our family that will be hard to fill. We hope there�s an armchair and plenty of tennis balls at Rainbow Bridge.
Your loving friends Sean, Claire, Bethan and Joe.

12/05/2000 to 08/07/2014
Our dear special, kind, loving Ben died peacefully in his mum�s arms on the 8th July 2014.
He came to us aged 6 months from Labrador Rescue just before Christmas and was the best Christmas present anyone could ask for. He was a loving handsome boy who loved the garden so much and loved running through the fields and eating his roast dinner of a Sunday. He was such a good boy and no trouble at all. He was loved so much and is dearly missed.
You will be forever in our hearts and we will love you always
Good Boy Ben
Lots and lots of Love
Mum, Dad, Mark, Gary, Tommy, Glen, Colette & Mia

I can't thank LRRSE enough for letting me foster this gorgeous loveable girl who has taken a part of my heart with her over the bridge
Carolyn xx

Scott Questa Skye Alfie
All greatly missed, never forgotten, now running, pain free at the bridge.

Bruno, you wonderful beautifu boy. You are so sadly missed by all your doggy and human friends.
We know you are now out of pain and loving running around with all the others at Rainbow Bridge.
We can still see you sitting on your bed and running freely in the park and fields nearby.
You will always be in our hearts
Love you forever - Anne, Keith & Barnie

We will all miss you and the pain of you not being with us is unbearable.
Rest in peace our beautiful girl.
Love forever, Sandra, Claire and all the other animals. xxx

Chicco suddenly passed away 15th April 2014 aged 9.
Thank you my dear beautiful friend for bringing much love and light into our lives. You truly were a lovely, perfect bundle of joy and you will be deeply missed by us all.
The pain at losing you is unbearable but I know we will meet again some day. You were sweet, gentle and content and everybody loved you.
Our holidays in the Yorkshire Dales will never be the same without you.
Sleep well my lovely little man and God Bless you forever. We will always love you.
John, Jean, Ray and Martha

Dear Nelson was one of our forever foster dogs - sadly PTS 7/4/14
He was only with his forever foster family for a short time and was such a lovely dog with a great character.
He will be greatly missed by Michelle and her family.
Thank you for looking after him in his twilight years.

We lost our beautiful boy on 19th February, 2014 after 13 wonderful years. We rescued him when he was two years old and were so lucky to have him in our lives, he was beautiful inside and out. He loved his cuddles, being everywhere with the family and sitting on our laps. he thought he was a lapdog and was such a cheeky boy. I've cried everyday since, I loved him so much and we all miss him terribly. We wanted Charlie to be with us forever but he's not in pain anymore. God bless you Charlie, we will never ever forget you.
All our love Jayne, Jenny, Sarah, Mark, Annie and BearXxxx

He was a truely special Dog and best friend to Sarka
Greatly loved and missed
Claire Scull and familyxx

Kibo, my shadow for 8 years, now running free. We miss you so much.
Judy & Howard

Our Big Brown Bear
Aged 11 Years old, was sadly put to sleep on 13th March 2014
Rolo adored going to the beach and wallowing in any puddles she could find.
She will be missed so much by her family and baby sister Daisy
Run free Rolo in the fields of lavender until we meet again, your spirit lives on xxxxxxx

Our amazing Twix monster - sorely missed. Run free Twix - run free.
Tim & Suzanna Gore

To Rolo
Always there
A wag of the tail
Tilt of the head
Prick of the ears
Always there
Snuggly muzzle
Eager paw
A wag of the tail
Tilt of the head
Prick of the ear
Always there
Happy bark
Bouncy walk
A wag of the tail
Tilt of the head
Prick of the ear
Always there
Roll on the back
Tickle the tum
A wag of the tail
Tilt of the head
Prick of the ear
Now Sleep tight
my beautiful boy
my best friend
Always in our heart
Tony, Jennie and little Fudge

We adopted Buster 5 years ago when he was aged 8. He has been a tremendous dog and a wonderful friend. This week, aged 13 years and 4 months, he unexpectedly fell ill and never recovered. We are heartbroken and miss him so much, but we are comforted by the wonderful times we spent with him. It was a privilege.
Rest in peace Buster
24/8/2000 to 18/12/2013"
Pat, Sally, Jack & Toby x Your Family

You were my friend and love, we miss you so. Remember when, in your way you told me to get up and live and we did together. We will always remember you happily. Your best friends Pete, Linda & Sam xxx

Megan Valentine 
A very special dog, who, frightened and abused, was adopted into our family on Valentine's Day 2008.
With lots of love you grew into a beautiful and unique dog, bringing so much joy into all of our lives, sharing everyone's secrets and loving us all unconditionally.
Thank you for being a part of our family, you will be lovingly remembered.
Good night Megs, sleep well.
Sarah & Richard, Jake, Florence and Charlotte xxxxx

I held out my hand to reach your paw
and sat with you on that cold hard floor
I stroked your fur so soft and clean
My beautiful boy that was never mean
I quietly waited for your slumber to come
and held you close even though I felt numb
I whispered to you that I would not leave your side
and sat watching you filled with admiration and pride
Sleep peaceful my Chasy no more pain for you, I will take
over that pain this much is true
For my heart will ache, yet its filled with love
for my gorgeous boy, now a star up above.
Chas 28.07.03 - 10.09.13
The Grace family

Buster puppy our best friend, we were all together until the end.
You were not like a dog at all, but a little person we adored.
You would always help around the house, taking care of Mikey inside and out.
Wag your tail day and night.
You were part of our family and our life.
A great big smile for Amy and John, the more we laughed you carried on.
Never did a lead you need, so well behaved you were indeed.
You will be in our hearts for ever more our best black lovely labrador.
The Squires family

I see your ball
I see your bed
I see muddy paw prints, that you have spread
Up and down, you are not there
I wonder where you are?
We love you
Ellie aged 10 and Lily aged 9
She leaves behind six broken hearts, four human, two doggy...
The Edmondson family

Archie 09-12-2004 - 28-06-2012
Sadly Archie was layed to rest today after losing his fight with cancer.
Archie brought a whole barrow load of love and affection with him and gave a whole load more every day of his life.
R.I.P Archie gone but never to be forgotten.
Tony & Pam

Monty died at the end of 2011 when he was 10 years old.
He was a true Labrador, he loved water and was a big old softy!
He was loved dearly by his family, his friend Dylan and 13 year old Zoe.

Maxi much loved and missed by Michael & Jessy

Rescued in 2007 at 12 weeks
Honey lived a happy life as my rock until I sadly had to have her put to rest on 23.02.2012.
Goodbye Honey I had to say
On a lovely sunny February day
I�ll remember the good times and try not to be sad
But saying goodbye still hurts so bad
I love you Honey
23-02-2012 May you be free.
Sharon Ponsford
June 2002 - November 2011
Always Loyal
Always Happy
Always Hungry!!
We will always love you,
You will always be in our hearts and never be forgotten.
We Miss You Terribly.
Sleep Well Big Boy.
Mum, Dad, Juno & Ozzy

On losing Reg.
I see your lead and know you will walk no more,
I see your bowl and know you will no longer charge like a
wild thing to it,
I see your play ring and I know you will no longer carry it,
I see your photo and wish you Good Morning and know I
will never look into those beautiful amber eyes again,
I see the kitchen door way and I know I will never have to
step over you again,
I see your favourite lounging places and you are not there,
I see the blackberry bushes and know that when they fruit
this year you will not be here to eat it,
I have a massive lump in my throat.I cannot cry or breathe
And then I feel your nose on my hand and I know you are with
me and I feel hope again.
Lyn Lawes

Dear Jessie
Passed over to Rainbow Bridge before we had a chance to make her life good again.
Run free sweet girl with all our lovely boys and girls.
Sue & Jean

Lola & Bear
Remembering LOLA who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 30, 2009 (complete kidney failure). Joining her today, March 13, 2011, was her litter brother BEAR (diabetic coma) ... They were devoted to each other in life, and can finally be together again. We love you both, and miss you terribly ~ the 2 sweetest dogs ever
Cindy and Bill Handy
Texas (USA)

Died at just 8 year old with a tumour.
His lovely nature and manner never faltered and it was a joy to have him in our lives.
He always made us smile with his antics.
Much loved and greatly missed.
With Love Hannah, Ruth and Mick

Rosie died 8 December 2008, age 10 or 11
Rosie, she was such a joy -
loved to play with all her toys!
In the park she'd run about
chasing balls . . . without a doubt
the finest catcher with a snout!
At the beach she'd love to swim.
Heaven forbid if we had a whim
to close our eyes and toast in the sun -
she'd make sure she had her run
along the shore till day was done!
At each day's end she'd jump on the bed
and snuggle close, lying head to head
on her back with legs in the air
hoping one of us would care
to tickle her belly for her welfare!
She was gorgeous, loving and very clever -
the beautiful memories will last forever;
Our loss is the Rainbow's gain,
but some day we will meet again.
Till then, in our hearts she'll always remain.
Rosie, we love and miss you so much . . .
Mommy, Nonny and Lucy
Minnie & Roly
Minnie - Mummy's little girl

Roly - An amazing friend, so brave, a gentle giant.
Both Loved and missed so very, very much by Mummy, Danny, Arlo & Milly

Fred and Barney Strong
Fred - 17/10/1996 to 6/05/2006
"He was the greatest of friends"

Barney - 1/07/2002 to 09/08/2011
Intelligent, hansom, loving and polite.
Barney you are now also healthy and fit again.
We miss you both so much
Lawrence, Alina and brother "Max"

Honey (Bun) Our much loved, loyal, funny friend for nine years, sadly missed by us all. Till we meet again Bun XXX Brenda & Frank

Primrose To our wonderful Labrador Primrose (with her little canine companion) who coped so bravely with thyroid disease and cancer.
We all miss you so desperately Primrose. From your rescue you were with us for only 2 years but we couldn't have loved you more. We hope you were happy with us. Run free.

Farewell Old Man - the time was right,
It broke our hearts - we held you tight,
Your poor old body had worked too long,
Delay your going? It would be wrong.
Your big strong head, your velvet ears,
I gently rubbed as I fought the tears,
You showed the vet your fearless will,
Until peace came at last and you were still.
A gentle soul and loving friend,
Whose time with us is at an end,
You blessed us all each day we shared,
I think you know how much we cared.
So rest dear friend beneath the tree,
Your gentle spirit at last now free,
Our pain will ease but you will know,
Our love for you will never go.
Eileen Clarke

Buzz died in may 2006 he was 18yrs old!
The pefect age, for the pefect Lab.
He will be greatly missed but never
forgotten. We love you Buzz run free with all the other Labs in doggy heaven.
Vikki Charlton